Spintronic Diode Value Pack

Spintronic Diode Value Pack

Regular price 22,17 € Sale price19,17 €
Zawiera podatki
  • Wysyłka z Holandii
  • Produkt dostępny, gotowy do wysyłki


Spintronic diodes allow the current to flow in only one direction. Each diode only turns clockwise, but it can be used to allow counterclockwise current by placing it on the outside of a chain loop.

Detailed description

The ratchet mechanism on top allows only clockwise movement and requires a forward voltage of approximately 0.7 V. The reverse breakdown voltage is well above the rated maximum voltage of the chain.

Note that only one spintronic diode is required to build a half-wave rectifier and only two are necessary to build a full-wave rectifier.

Package includes:

  • 4 - Spintronic diodes


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  • W przypadku wysyłki poza teren UE czas dostawy i procedur celnych może wynosić od 1 do 2 tygodni. Przesyłki podlegają dodatkowym cłom zależnym od kwoty zamówienia.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Jody (Sydney, AU)
Great interactive and educational game!

My 8year old son, had a fantastic time playing with the spintronic Act 1, and I plan to purchase a full set for ourselves.

My son borrowed this set from a friend of ours, unfortunately within the first 20min of play, he accidentally broke the rose gold looking connector, and the spring on the spintronic diode fell off, and got lost. I was very worried for him to continue playing with their toy, in case he broke more parts.

It’s great that we can buy replacement parts, but is it possible to purchase these sub-items separately?

