Pack de ahorro de diodos spintronic

Pack de ahorro de diodos spintronic

Precio habitual19,17 €
Impuestos incluidos
  • Enviado desde los Países Bajos
  • Reserva tu artículo ahora (envío estimado en abril de 2025)


Los diodos spintronic solo permiten el flujo de corriente en una única dirección. Los diodos solo giran en sentido horario, pero puedes hacer que permitan el paso de corriente en sentido antihorario colocándolos en el exterior de un lazo de cadena.

Descripción detallada

El mecanismo de trinquete de la parte superior solo permite el movimiento en sentido horario y requiere una tensión hacia delante de unos 0,7 V. La tensión inversa de ruptura del diodo es muy superior a la tensión máxima que puede soportar la cadena.

Ten en cuenta que solo se necesita un diodo spintronic para montar un rectificador de media onda, y solo dos para uno de onda completa.

El paquete incluye:
  • 4 diodos spintronic
Las reservas se cobrarán al completar la compra. Una vez que el artículo vuelva a estar disponible y se haya enviado, recibirás una notificación con la información de seguimiento.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Roderick J. (Amsterdam, NL)
You need 2 but 4 may be a bit overkill

The diode is kind of the missing component of spintronics. Although it can be improvised with a transistor and a junction, the actual diode works a lot better. The ratchet mechanism makes a sound, so you could even consider this diode an led! Some of the act 2 puzzles that Involve diodes actually rely on the 1.5v drop from the transistor junction combination, but the others do work better with the real diode.
So far I have only needed 2. This is because spintronics chains go both ways at once so the spintronics diode is more like a pair of diodes. Therefore I haven't built anything for which I needed more than 2 diodes yet

Jacob A. (Oakville, CA)
Well-made piece, but super loud.

It's arguably louder than the ammeter, but the thinness of it compared to the alternative diode (junction + transistor) is much smaller and leaves more room for more components, and hence more complex circuits.

Jody (Sydney, AU)
Great interactive and educational game!

My 8year old son, had a fantastic time playing with the spintronic Act 1, and I plan to purchase a full set for ourselves.

My son borrowed this set from a friend of ours, unfortunately within the first 20min of play, he accidentally broke the rose gold looking connector, and the spring on the spintronic diode fell off, and got lost. I was very worried for him to continue playing with their toy, in case he broke more parts.

It’s great that we can buy replacement parts, but is it possible to purchase these sub-items separately?

Tom L.
